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Successful websites tend to have a number of factors in common:
· Useful and appropriate information
· Ease of navigation on the site
· Quick response time
· Excellent product information flow
· Good quality copy - original and readable
· Friendly layout
· Strong visibility on the major search engines

Website Analysis is the essential first step of any SEO Strategy that yields real and significant benefits; it is also necessary to monitor continuously throughout the optimization and project process.
Every website is unique and no two projects the same. To see exactly what we're dealing with we need to get under the bonnet of each and every site as well as to the heart of what each project is attempting to achieve. A thorough SEO Analysis enables us to establish a complete project plan, to establish objectives, create goals and define the business context of the project.

Whether considering a new build project or optimisation of an existing site, before beginning any hands-on work involving bits and bytes in conjunction with the client, we need to build a project roadmap by addressing some mission critical questions such as: What's the purpose of the site? Who's it aimed at, what's the audience? What's the message? How will you offer visitors this message in a compelling way? What technologies should be used? What technologies are currently being used? How is the current site performing? In what ways is it being used now?

At SEO-MAMA we use a range of Website Analysis Tools, techniques and approaches that are carefully used to assess our client's sites and requirements.

Statistical Data - A fundamental aspect of SEO analysis is the collection of statistical data through research. Information such as how many people do a search every day on your particular keyword, entry page analysis, exit page analysis, location of visitors, length of stay, what your competition is doing, how they are doing it. Other aspects of a website that should be addressed include keyword use, page attributes, site/domain attributes, inbound link attributes. There can be numerous Reports And Data that need to be analysed professionally in order to extract useful meaning. By way of representing this data SEO-MAMA prepare reports that present our statistical Website analysis either in detailed statistical reports or as an overview for easier consumption.

Explanations of Terminology - It's highly likely that a statistical analysis of a site will end up with lots of data and findings. Geek speak has no place at SEO-MAMA. We turn statistical Website analysis into plain English and present it in the form of understandable reports. Good data and insightful analysis of that data leads to results. It also means that over the long run you can track results, discover the most effective online marketing strategies and tactics, and manage them accordingly.
· Keyword and phrase definition (also referred to as Semantic Space) An expert SEO Analysis will shape its keyword to keywords and key phrases that are appropriate for the site and its pages. This is a process of getting in the minds of quality prospective visitors and attempting to marry the predicted terms which they might search on with the intended message of the business and the website it represents.
Existing Keyword Analysis is undertaken to establish effectiveness. SEOmoz identified the following keyword factors as having most influence on Google's ranking algorithm (the method by which the search engine orders results), for example:
· Keyword Use in title tag
· Keyword use in body text
· Relationship of body text content to keywords (topic analysis)
· Keyword use in H1 Tag
· Keyword use in domain name
· Keyword use in page URL
· Keyword use in H2, H3, H(x) Tags
· Keyword use in ALT Tags and Image Titles
· Keyword use in Bold/Strong tags
· Keyword use in meta tag description.

Additional detail - As part of the Website analysis we operate a Search Engine Simulation that intelligently identifies what a search engine would see if it were to crawl your site. Our software detects any Broken Links, the site structure, site navigation "crawlability", which pages and how many of them are being indexed, when the last search engine crawl was and other analyses. Knowing how the search engines see your site informs what steps should be taken to make the site more effective and visible.

Search Engine Rankings - You'll want a clear idea of how your site is currently performing. SEO-MAMA has a range of tools to provide specific information on how your site is currently performing over all the top engines, directories and more. We monitor search engine Keyword Rankings across more than 200 global and regional organic search engines revealing what's working and what needs improvement.

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